【同义词辨析】 2019-07-05 给予give-afford
give: the general term, is applicable to any passing over of anything by any means: ~ alms; ~ a boy a ride on a pony; ~ my love to your mother.
present: carries a note or formality and ceremony: ~ed him with the keys to the city.
donate: is likely to imply a publicized giving such as to charity: ~ a piano to the orphanage. (publicize公开宣传报道to make something widely known to the public,如the author appeared on television to publicize her latest book作家上电视宣传她的新书)
bestow: implies the conveying of something as a gift and may suggest condescension on the part of the giver: ~ unwanted advice. (condescend屈尊,指和社会地位低的人交往交流to interact with social inferiors,如a plant manager condescending to mingle with employees工厂经理屈尊去和雇员们在一起)
confer: implies a gracious giving, such as a favor or honor: the Pope ~red the rank of cardinal on three bishops. (gracious形容人礼貌有善意,可以说成优雅implies courtesy and kindly consideration,如her gracious acceptance of the award她礼貌善意地受奖,或者说她优雅地受奖)
afford: implies a giving or bestowing usually as a natural or legitimate consequence of the character of the giver: the trees ~ed us a welcome shade. 供给我们想要的凉荫
give给予: 泛指将任何东西通过任何方法转给他人,present呈献: 更正式更讲究礼仪,donate捐献: 表示公开的给予,如给慈善机构,bestow赠送: 表示给予礼物,通常地位高,confer授予: 表示给予恩惠或荣誉,afford供给: 表示具有自然合理的属性,所以能够给予
记忆方法: 1)首字母GPDBCA前三个字母是GDP想成经济,后三个字母是ABC想成文化<==都能给予他人
2)给予的意思是传递给其他人mean to convey to another.